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The Spokane Valley Arts Council created the SVAC Student Visual Art Scholarship program in 2015 to support local emerging student artists. With the support of our patrons and the Lynn Baiter Memorial Scholarship endowed lovingly by her family to honor her love of the arts, $21,000 has been awarded to area high school and college students since the program's founding. 

2024 SVAC Student
Scholarship Award Winner


Growing up I was a really picky eater. If something looked threatening I wasn’t touching it. And boy, did I hate pickles. However, about a year ago I transferred to Gonzaga University. It was a huge change, and something that made me have to leave my comfort zone big time. I noticed myself really coming out of my shell and trying new things. One day I decided, “I’m gonna try a pickle”. And it was the best thing I’ve eaten, ever. So although I am now a huge fan of pickles, this painting is not about my new love for pickles. It’s about new opportunities and trying new things. Keeping your mind and heart closed only does yourself a disservice because you’re missing out on what could be your new favorite thing. 

Jar of Pickles16 x 20", oil on canvas

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2024 Lynn Baiter Memorial
& SVAC Student Scholarship
Award Winner

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Evelyn Bowles is a young artist born and raised in Spokane! She does a lot of drawing, but recently took up an interest in sculpting and clay work. Evelyn has always been passionate about art, but most of her learning was on her own, with a couple of art classes scattered throughout her public education. She decided to take a leap and apply to college for art, following her true passion! Evelyn is heavily inspired by her nana, Denise, an incredible artist whose footsteps she is following, working towards an Associates in Fine Arts at SFCC, just like her nana. Evelyn is so excited to grow as an artist, and can't wait to see what she'll create.

Ophelia3 x 2 x 2", clay

2023 Lynn Baiter Memorial
& SVAC Student Scholarship
Award Winner


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Reflecting, 30 x 22"
colored pencil and watercolor

Growing up in the Seattle area, I've grown to love taking reflective walks in the rain. I'm fascinated by all the unique textures around me when I explore on rainy days. In this piece I was interested in studying the way water ripples and distorts reflections. In my process I use watercolor as a base and then layer on details with colored pencil. 

2022 Scholarship Winner


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Jaime Crain is a twenty-two-year-old painter and graphic designer based in the Spokane-Coeur d’ Alene area. Jaime works primarily in oil paint, and her work explores the beauty and power of the human mind. She combines figures with nonobjective environments and embraces heightened, often unnatural color. Jaime graduated summa cum laude from Whitworth University in the spring of 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in fine art and graphic design. Jaime aspires to expand her freelance design business and also hopes to form a community arts cooperative. She plans to earn an MFA within the next five years, and she sees teaching as a part of her future either at the university level or through alternative community programs.

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Visibility, 32 x 24", oil paint on wood panel


Shelby K Collins
Ferris High School

2021 Lynn Baiter Award &
2020 SVAC Student Scholarship

Hannah Anderson
Central Valley High School

2016 Lynn Baiter Award

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Rachel Poshusta
Central Valley High School

2015 Lynn Baiter Award

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